Calculate the subsidy amount for your new stairlift now

Use our subsidy configurator to check your eligibility. The check only takes a few moments. We offer this service completely free of charge and without obligation.

Individual subsidy information

The funding configurator will provide you with fully customised information on whether you are eligible for funding based on your individual requirements.


Free service for you from Sonilift

At Sonilift, we want you to be well advised at all times and be able to make use of your support options. That's why we offer this service completely free of charge.


Secure data transmission through encryption

Your data and sensitive information are just as worthy of protection for us as they are for you. That is why all data exchange is encrypted and transmitted in a way that cannot be read by third parties.


Start now with the Sonilift subsidy configurator for your own stairlift and find out the maximum subsidy amount for your stairlift in just a few moments.

Would you like to start the calculation?

Please click here