Battery emergency lowering - for a safe journey!

Table of contents:

A safe journey with Sonilift

You are halfway up the stairs - the stairlift falters and stops completely unexpectedly! With the help of a battery-powered emergency lowering device, you can return to the bottom stop position independently and, above all, safely.

Your safety is our top priority

After a few detailed consultations about your desired stairlift, you are still faced with the decision of which stairlift is best for you or your relatives' living situation.

There are a large number of points to consider. To support you, we would like to draw your attention to the following:

In any case, clarify how you can safely return to the lowest stop position in the event of a malfunction and whether your future stairlift has an emergency battery release.

But why should your future stairlift have an emergency battery release?

In the event of a malfunction, it can unfortunately happen in rare cases that your or your relative's lift stops in the middle of the stairs. The battery emergency lowering system is responsible for ensuring that you or your loved one return SAFELY to the bottom stop position.

Of course, our aim is to ensure that a malfunction never occurs. But a stairlift is a highly complex piece of equipment and even here it can happen that a malfunction occurs completely unexpectedly.

For your own safety and that of your loved ones, you should take this seriously.

Please imagine the following situation in more detail:

You or your relatives, regardless of age and physical condition, are about to go to bed. You sit down tired in the seat of your stairlift and start the journey.

You are halfway up the stairs - the stairlift falters and stops unexpectedly. Your stairlift has obviously malfunctioned and cannot continue. You try to climb out of your stairlift with difficulty and without control. And in the middle of the stairs! From this point onwards, you are usually on your own!

Sonilift tip:

With the help of a battery emergency lowering device, you can return to the lower holding position independently and, above all, safely.

Please remember: a stairlift should help you and your relatives to move flexibly and independently within your own four walls and not create further barriers.

Calculate the subsidy amount for your stairlift now

Start now with the Sonilift subsidy configurator for your own stairlift and find out the maximum subsidy amount for your stairlift in just a few moments.

Would you like to start the calculation?

This service is free of charge and absolutely non-binding for 100%!

Is your restriction work-related? (occupational illness / accident)



Would a stairlift enable you to return to work?



Are you a welfare recipient?



How many people in your household/household have a care degree?




4 or more


In which city do you live?

Have you already started building the stairlift?



Is it a straight or spiral staircase?



How many floors must be reached with the stairlift?

Which federal state do you live in?

How many adults and children live in your household? (also children to be expected, in case of pregnancy)

How many people in your household have a disabled person's pass?

What is the total gross income of your household, in euros?

Have you already started building a stairlift?



Are you the owner of the flat or are you related to the owner up to the 3rd degree?



Do you live in your own house or flat?



Do any of the following points apply to you?

60+ years old

Walking impaired with aG or G in the severely disabled person's pass

Does not apply

How many people live in your household and what is the combined net income of all of them? Persons.

Have you already started building a stairlift?



Are you a tenant, homeowner or owner of a residential property?


Flat owner

Residence owners

How many people live in your household and how many square metres of living space do you have?

Have you already started building a stairlift?



Are you a recipient of basic income support for jobseekers or housing benefit?




You are entitled to funding.

*These fields are mandatory

Thank you for your entry.

You will receive an e-mail in the next few seconds with your personal funding amount.